COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols

In accordance with current local, state and federal health guidelines, the following policies are in effect:

  • Masks are currently optional. Masks are available as needed for both client and volunteer alike.

  • We DO enforce social distance by monitoring and moderating the pace and spacing of our check in and distribution lines

  • We provide expedited service for ALL “priority clients” (Elderly, Disabled, Pregnant, Parents with small children etc).

  • Any client or volunteer who is sick will not be permitted on site and will be asked to leave immediately.

  • We maintain digital thermometers which can be used to check the temperature of any volunteer or client upon suspicion of illness

As a community pantry we remain committed to the continued health and safety of both our clients and volunteers alike. We will continue to adapt as necessary and we will remain compliant with local, state and federal health and safety guidelines. If at any time there is a concern regarding health and safety during our operations, with one of our clients or with one of our volunteers, our management team is always available and ready to respond if necessary.