Policies & Procedures
Check-In: Wait in line until called. A staff member will direct you when it's your turn.
Health Precautions:
SPOILED FOOD: IF FOOD IS SPOILED, PLEASE NOTIFY OUR STAFF. We strive to offer the best quality food, but occasionally, food may go bad without us knowing.
Priority Clients: We provide expedited service for ALL “priority clients” (Elderly, Disabled, Pregnant, Parents with small children, etc.)
Contact Information: Have your phone number written down or the Plentiful app downloaded BEFORE ENTERING. We don't provide pen and paper.
Tickets: You’ll get tickets based on our system info. Let us know if any information is incorrect. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE IF INFO SEEMS FRAUDULENT.
Photo ID: Provide photo ID for any additional people you're picking up for. Without additional ID, their account won't be served.
Service Frequency: You can only be served once every 7 days. Remember the last day you received food and plan accordingly.
Food Products: You’ll receive the food products available on the line at the time of your service.
Operating Hours: Note the posted operating hours. Clients will be served up until closing time. Late arrivals must return on the next service day.
Follow Directions: Follow staff and management directions. Failure to do so may result in being denied service and being asked to leave.
Service Frequency: After getting the food, wait 7 days to receive the next service.
For example, if you collected food on Monday, wait until next Monday to return.